Linked by Air
In print
Archaeology of the Digital advances what’s possible in a widely distributed ebook. Its liquid and responsive design is optimized for reading on various screens and its layout and typography alter automatically to suit each device and orientation in the hand.
Archaeology of the Digital
Similar to the weaving gesture of the architecture, one way the site is organized is as a database of “everything”.
Aspen Art Museum
An introduction to the WAX magazine website, based on real-time weather conditions as reported by data-gathering buoys off Montauk Point.
Double pendulum weathervanes
Julia Kim Smith is an Asian American artist living in Baltimore. Her work is playful, political, and at times, viral. We turned her portfolio into a game, table, or remote control: a little bit surreal and with a rather dry sense of humor. It’s lightweight and behaves in a natural way within the web browser, tablet, and phone.
Julia Kim Smith
An initiative of the Menil Collection, the website for
Gandhi’s Legacy: Houston Perspectives
allowed more than 20 cultural organizations across Houston, Texas to contribute to this story of activism and social change.
Gandhi’s Legacy: Houston Perspectives
Two-directional program book for the 17th conference of the International Confederation of Architectural Museums, split between Montreal at the CCA, and New York City at the MoMA.
International Confederation of Architectural Museums
The website for Future Expansion is a plan that expands, contracts, and reshuffles itself, a plan that can be customized by each user on demand.
Future Expansion
Shrub — Make drawings on your camera!